Monday, October 16, 2017

Freedom from Worry: October 10 meeting

We enjoyed another week of getting to know each of you and finding focused time to spend together. At our meeting, we watched a video from MOPS, Intl. about worry, both its impact on our lives and how we can take control and face life head-on. We heard from Molly Urso, who is a mom, a MOPS coordinator and a seminary student. In her message, she encouraged us to find what is at the root of our worry, to name the things that cause stress, and to invite others to come alongside us. We should not allow worry to paralyze us and to keep us from enjoying life and from being there for the people who matter to us! 

If you missed this great message or would like to watch it again, please find the link in our email newsletter. 

We also went over where the money from our yearly dues, both to MOPS, Intl. and to our specific group, is spent. Here is a breakdown of how that money is used.

How much to join?
  • MOPS International Fee: $31.95 - Goes towards Welcome Packet of materials, access to online resources and magazine.
  • Crossroads MOPS Fee: $60 per semester

Your $60 covers...
  • Stipends for MOPS Kids childcare workers - Crossroads Fellowship also subsidizes approximately 60% of total cost!
  • MOPS Kids' materials
  • Craft materials
  • Brunch - coffee, napkins, plates, utensils
  • Table centerpieces
  • Celebration gifts for babies
  • Speaker gifts
  • Scholarships for other moms in need


  • We have 2 fundraisers underway to raise money for our group, which will go towards scholarships and childcare expenses. We are selling Butter Braids and Yankee Candle. Our deadline to turn in orders is November 14 and all products will be delivered to our December 12 meeting. This post has all of the details on both fundraisers
  • Thank you for the helpers who stayed behind to clean up last week! We continue to have a need for people to give 5-10 minutes of their time to help after each meeting. Join our hospitality group to stay connected. 
  • Halloween this year falls on a 5th Tuesday, so we'll plan to get together for a whole group playdate. Details TBD.
  • We still have T-shirts available! You can order using this form
  • Thinking ahead: We will be holding a Christmas Toy Exchange at our November 28th meeting. Recycle some of the toys you'd like to donate, and take home some new ones for your kids to enjoy.  


  • We will have our annual marriage panel! This has been a favorite meeting of many in the past. We will have a panel of couples from different backgrounds and stages in life to answer questions and give advice about marriage and parenting. We hope you'll be there.
  • Kristen & Rachel's groups are bringing brunch. Sign up here


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

2017 Fundraisers

 Tuesday we started our 2017-2018 Fundraisers with Butter Braids and Yankee Candle sale to help cover our scholarships and childcare expenses.  This is a great opportunity for us to raise some extra funds and stay on budget as Crossroads MOPS will make 40% profit from both organizations!  

Changes from last year...
  • New "Four Cheese and Herb" Butterbraid - Our rep said think Red Lobster biscuits with cheese!  It comes with marinara sauce.
  • Yankee Candle has dropped their jar candle price.  They have also doubled online inventory to over 600 products so even more available there!

Our deadline is November 14th. 
Late orders will not be able to be accepted as we are cutting it very close for the Christmas deadline.

All money is collected NOW.
Checks are made to Crossroads Fellowship MOPS
If someone is ordering both Yankee Candle and Butterbraids, he/she can just write one check for both. 
Items ordered from Butter Braids and the Yankee Candle catalog will be delivered at our December 12th meeting.  
If you are not going to be here on that day to receive your order, please let your small group leader or Kara know at so we can make arrangements.

 Butter Braids pastries come frozen; allow them to thaw for 8 to 10 hours then bake!  

There are 8 flavors to choose from:  apple, caramel, cinnamon, cream cheese, blueberry cream cheese, bavarian creme, double chocolate, and strawberry cream cheese.

Need another order form?  Visit:

 Yankee Candle products can be sold through the catalog or online.
There is no shipping charge if you order through the catalog. 

For ordering through the Yankee Candle catalog...

On your order form, fill in the form number, your name, phone number, organization (CrossroadsMOPS, and chairperson's name (McLendon).

 You do not need to include sales tax as we are a tax exempt group.

For ordering through the YC website...
You can also sell to friends and family all over the country through the Yankee Candle group fundraising page! 
You can provide e-mail addresses to our own group fundraising page.
The profits are applied to your selling total and our group's grand total.
The only difference than ordering on the order form is online ordering is direct shipping; it will not come to the church with our order form deliveries.  There is a shipping charge.
To set this up for your friends and family, go to
Click on seller login.
 Complete "Sign Up To Be A Seller."
Our group number is 990056842.

For ordering through the YC app...
 Yankee Candle has a Mobile App! The App makes contacting family and friends even easier by sending messages through your contacts and social media posts!  It lets you load all your contacts from your phone, select who gets notified about supporting our group, and sends out one common message to all of them with instructions for how to order online

Online ordering (through website/app) is available until mid January.

If you were not at our meeting on October 10th, packets will be available at our next meeting.
You can go ahead and set up online ordering using the information above.   
Happy selling!