Tuesday, November 11, 2014

This Week @ MOPS 11.11.2014

 This morning Crossroads member and photographer Shannon Foster-Bradley spoke to use about photographing our children.
Her goal is to capture children's unique personalities to create lasting memories.

A few tips...

Cloudy days are great as far as lighting!

When considering clothing for a photoshoot, let color bring out your personality.  She suggests coordinating colors but not necessarily matching.  Some good combinations are yellow/teal/brown, orange/teal/brown, red/black/grey.

Let them play and have fun, not just poses.

Shannon is offering a special package to MOPS mom on Tuesday, November 18th from 2-4pm and Friday, December 5th from 9-11am.
The sessions will be at the church (outside or inside depending on the weather) and will last 15-20 minutes.  You will get 5 images for $20; the images will be uploaded to a gallery page.

Outside of this special, she has 3 packages:
A: $100 for 10 edited images
B: $125 for 15 edited images
C: $150 for 20 edited images
This includes sitting fees, etc and there are not additional charges per person.
In the gallery, prints can be ordered, and there is an $10 to download for all pictures


A few other notes...

We wrapped up our fundraiser today!  Thank you for all your hard work!
The shipment will be here for our December 9th meeting.

Cold and Flu season is back!  In order to preserve the good health of those in MOPPETS, both moms and workers should be aware of general health concerns and policies.  Please note the following policies, which determine whether or not a child should be in MOPPETS.  If your child has any of the following symptoms and/or illnesses, they should NOT attend:
  • Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or runny nose in the previous 24 hours
  • Has been receiving antibiotic medication for less than 48 hours
  • A fresh cold with sneezing or requiring frequent nose blowing/wiping
  • A questionable rash (Impetigo, measles, mumps, active chicken pox or conjunctivitis (pink eye))
Please don't be offended if our childcare workers show concern about whether a child should be dropped off or not.  We miss you when you are not here, but we want to keep everyone as healthy as possible!
 Many thanks to one of our own MOPS moms Angie Cleveland for sponsoring our meeting!

We will have a special raffle at our December meeting!  You can "earn" entries into the raffle by inviting friends to MOPS: one entry for a friend visiting and 4 additional entries into the raffle if that mom registers for MOPS and pays her dues. It doesn't have to just be a friend; it could be moms you meet at the park, library, or anywhere! 

See you at our next meeting on November 25th!

Tracy & Heather F's groups have brunch for November 25th.

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