This week at MOPS....
This week we heard from Amy Paulston about quieting your inner bully and learning to love ourselves, so that we can love others as God tells us to! It was a great reminder to all of us that we are valuable and all moms are heroes!Announcements
On 5th Tuesdays we have whole group playdates! For this playdate we will have a whole group Easter Egg Hunt at Williams Park on March 31st at 10:00 am (please note the location change).
We are accepting donations for items like candy, stickers, or toys to fill the Easter Eggs, so please bring them to the next two MOPS meetings before the egg hunt. There will be a box for donations near the coffee station.
Please sign up to bring a snack item to share with the whole group at the Egg Hunt.
- small group leaders (lead a table in discussion, playdates, and MNO)
- outreach coordinator (work with leaders and the community to determine our meeting outline)
- publicity (recruit new members to our group, manage Facebook page and blog, send out newsletters)
- Audiovisual (create announcement slides for meetings and run sound and light during meetings)
In light of the current health situation in Wake County, please be reminded that if WCPSS cancels or delays school, we will need to cancel our MOPS meeting as well.
Please also be mindful of our sick policy when in MOPS kids. If your child has any of the following symptoms and/or illnesses, they should NOT attend their MOPS class:
Please also be mindful of our sick policy when in MOPS kids. If your child has any of the following symptoms and/or illnesses, they should NOT attend their MOPS class:
- Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or runny nose in the last 24 hours
- Has been receiving antibiotic medication for less than 48 hours
- A fresh cold with sneezing or requiring frequent nose blowing/wiping
- A questionable rash
A local Tinkergarten teacher has graciously offered to host a free trial class for our whole MOPS group! Tinkergarten is a unique opportunity to learn through guided play outdoors in nature. The teacher will facilitate a play scenario during class, and then all of us will collaborate and create together. If you struggle with open play with your child then this is the perfect experience to get your creative juices flowing!
If you plan to attend, please register online through the Tinkergarten event at classes/123608
If you plan to attend, please register online through the Tinkergarten event at
Next Time at MOPS....
Ayesha/Becky, Nicole, Sarah's groups are responsible for bringing brunch. Get more information and signup for items here.