Happy New Year 2016!
Ahhh, it's good to be back to MOPS after a nice holiday break! We hope you enjoyed your time with friends and family and are as excited to be back at MOPS as we are!
We had a great meeting this week with Cheryl Scanlan from Way of Life Coaching speaking to us about how to embrace rest. Did you know that a new mom loses around 44 days of sleep within the first year of her child's life? We're not entirely surprised! :)
Mark 6:31 says "And he said unto them, 'Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while'." Rest is a huge expression of trust, so trust your family in God's hands and embrace physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual rest. For mental rest remember to take captive those recurring thoughts that cause our snowballs to become avalanches that bury us with the "what-ifs" of life.
Below are the key verses discussed today about embracing rest. We encourage your small group to discuss these further with one another!
- Physical Rest
- Psalm 127
- Psalm 121:4
- What are you willing to stop in order to get enough sleep?
- Mental Rest
- Romans 12:1-2
- 2 Corinthians 10:5
- What recurring thought do you want to take captive?
- Emotional Rest
- Luke 21:34
- 1 Peter 5:7
- Matthew 6:25-34
- Where are you emotionally fragile right now and need support?
- Spiritual Rest
- Hebrews 4
- When do you find you are truly resting in the finished work of Christ? When does that tend to break down for you?
If you haven't done so already, please pay your second semester dues ($50). If you are just joining us, you can also join MOPS International ($24.95) and you will receive an awesome welcome kit, annual subscription to the MOPS magazine, weekly inspiring e-mails, and exclusive discounts.
You can pay with exact cash or check made out to Crossroads MOPS at our next meeting on January 26th. You can also pay online with a debit or credit card by visiting http://crossroads.org/mops then clicking on "Register."
You can pay with exact cash or check made out to Crossroads MOPS at our next meeting on January 26th. You can also pay online with a debit or credit card by visiting http://crossroads.org/mops then clicking on "Register."
A couple tips...
- You can leave off the address/birthday/kids info on the very first page as we already have all that information; do enter your address when you get to the billing section.
- At the bottom you will need to make 2 selections:
- $24.95 MOPS Int'l fee - Enter "0" in this box indicating you’ve paid this already in the Fall (unless you are new).
- $50 Crossroads Fee - Enter "50."
Please don't let finances get in the way of joining something incredible. We have scholarships readily available. Please email Kara for more information atCrossroadsRaleighMOPS@gmail.
On Sunday, January 24th from 5-10pm come earn some funds for our group just by spending a little time working with friends!
Kid's Exchange, if you aren't aware, is a large children's consignment sale that takes place at the NC Fairgrounds. Immediately after closing on the last day of the sale, we can assist in helping sort all remaining items for the sellers to easily retrieve their items the following Monday. We would sort toys, shoes, clothes etc. It takes between 4 and 5 hours, and for our time we earn $40 per person. It is not difficult work, and is fun to work alongside friends. (Aren't all things more fun when done with friends?!)
We would love a large team of ladies to work the sort this year and raise some money for our MOPS group. The money earned will help us build up our scholarship fund. If you've been impacted by a scholarship in this or previous years or just have a heart to help, this would be a great way to give back!If you would like to help sort, visit www.signupgenius.com/go/ 10c0d48aaad2ca13-kids by Tuesday, January 19th so we can get a headcount to the Kid's Exchange coordinator.
The small group with the highest percentage of members participating will get a playdate or Moms Night Out prize!
Do you know a home school student, college student, grandma, an empty nester, or anyone who loves kids and wants to serve the mamas of our community? Crossroads Childcare is seeking additional workers for MOPPETS to share God's love with our little ones during our MOPS meetings! If you know someone who would be willing to serve, have him/her e-mail Helen at childcare@crossroads.org. Clearances are required. Workers are paid, and it's also considered a ministry.
We will also be hearing from Ashlee Stowe with NC planning about legal planning for your family's future, including creating a last will and testament. This is sure to get you thinking about your future in a fun and informative way so you don't want to miss it!
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