Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 9th Meeting - Intimacy within your Marriage!

We're so glad to be back at MOPS after our snow day last time! This week's focus was all about love and marriage, which was perfectly appropriate for the holiday coming up! Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a great time with Jeremiah and Brooke Powers this morning, who spoke on sex and intimacy within your marriage. They had the following list of tips to help rekindle the romance with your husband.

  1. Read a sex and intimacy book together once a year. Check out some of their favorites at their website.
  2. Get a babysitter co-op together so you can go on a date with your spouse. Try for twice a month!
  3. Talk with your spouse about sex and schedule that time together
  4. Take advantage of your children's nap time twice a week instead of waiting for bedtime.
  5. Take showers together.
  6. Greet each other at the door with a kiss and a hug
  7. Couch time - sit together and have dedicated conversation together for a few minutes each day. Train the kids to expect that this is time to focus on mommy and daddy. They can sit with you but they are not the priority.
  8. Reverse the door knob on your kids bedroom if needed.
  9. Request a marriage mentor and get a "check up" once a year.

Brooke and Jeremiah are the founders of Center Peace Inc., an organization that offers marriage mentoring and classes to strengthen marriages and families. If you are interested in counseling or taking a class with your spouse check out their website at http://centerpeacefarms.org/

If you could use some more guidance within your marriage or family, Crossroads Fellowship has a free upcoming Family Dynamics workshop on February 22nd from 7-8:30pm. Childcare is provided for children under 10.

Topics include:
  • Getting your kids to listen without nagging, yelling, or punishing
  • Essential Communication and Constructive Conflict
You can get more information at http://crossroads.org/family-dynamics and see more workshops scheduled for later this year!

Our sponsor this week was Alison Draper with YogaHappy, a yoga studio for children! They use songs, games, crafts, stories, imaginative play, creative movement, and more to teach children yoga in a fun and interactive way! Classes are offered through the town of Wake Forest and the town of Rolesville. Private group classes are also available. Age groups include 2-5 year olds, 4-7 year olds, and 7-10 year olds.

A Free trial class is offered through the town of wake forest on February 29th at 4:30pm for 4-10 year olds and March 3rd at 10am for 2-5 year olds.

Sarah's group will be responsible for bringing brunch next time. Please sign up HERE to specify what items you will be bringing! Remember that each group is scheduled to bring brunch three times this year!

Zeina Hamra with Healthy Diets Inc. will be speaking next time and will give us some great nutrition information for feeding our kids the best food we can! She is a registered dietician who spoke with us last year and we will have an opportunity for questions at the end! Hope to see you there!

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